What Do I Need when Renting a Porta-Potty?

What do I need when renting? Image of porta potties

One of the most common questions we hear is: “What do I need when renting a porta-potty?” Find out what you’ll need to consider in terms of permits, space requirements, and access needs below! Do I Need a Permit? Not typically but there are exceptions! Many places do not require a permit or a license […]

Tips for Renting Porta-Potties

tips for renting porta potties - man holding money

New to renting portable toilets? Don’t stress! Our tips for renting porta potties will give you the info you need to make rental decisions like a seasoned event planning pro. Remember, unlike other types of event rentals, portable toilets have the potential to ruin your event if something goes wrong. Having too few, getting them […]

Renting Portable Toilets 101

How much does it cost to rent a portable restroom? Image of a barn lit up with lights for a wedding

Need to rent portable toilets for your upcoming event or function? Here’s everything you need to know in one quick guide: Book in Advance There’s nothing worse than planning an event and then finding out at the last minute that you forgot to secure a vendor and now you don’t have any decent options left […]

Portable Toilet Rental FAQs

portable toilet rental FAQs - image of a bride and bridesmaids

When it’s your first time renting portable restrooms you’re likely filled with questions about what to expect. Hopefully this will help answer some of your most common questions about the type of bathrooms you can get for your event and what kinds of restrictions that may apply. If you have a question that isn’t answered […]