The Porta Potty Challenge Hits New Records

8 stall citadel

Porta potties are useful, but they’re not usually cool. However, with the #PortaPottyChallenge fad sweeping nation, they’ve become all the rage. In fact, Sports Illustrated has even picked up the trend! It’s a pretty simple (and sort of hilarious) concept – squeeze as many people into as you can into a porta potty and then […]

Ideas for Planning your Wedding on Social Media

5 ways to save money on your wedding - image of portable toilet at a wedding

Newsflash: Wedding planning has gone social! If you’re social media savvy, you’re probably already bringing the social element to your wedding preparations; but if you’re newer to social media or just not active on very many social platforms, you may wonder how social media can help you out with your big day. The good news […]