Is Your Event Missing These Crucial Restroom Add-Ons?

If you’re planning an event, you’ve probably finalized a million little details related to food vending, parking, staff, check-in/ticketing, and restrooms. With so many pieces to pull together to make your event great, you’re probably assuming you’ve addressed everything that you could possible end up needing. But if you’ve ignored these important restroom add-ons, you […]
4 Ways to Make Your Event More Handicapped Accessible

The goal of any public event is to attract a wide audience, but if you’re not planning your event with handicapped attendees in mind, you may miss out on getting the largest audience possible. People with mobility issues, anyone in a wheelchair, families with strollers, and other handicapped individuals have just as much right as […]
3 Surprising Benefits of Handicapped Accessible Porta Potties

Obviously, ADA compliant portable toilets allow handicapped individuals to use the restroom in a way that standard porta potties don’t, which makes them both convenient and also a requirement for public events. But, did you know that an ADA porta potty has some hidden benefits as well? Well, you better believe it! Check out these […]